
was hanninnn

I don't know if this is just a fluke, or if my thoughts on this will change throughout the fast, but lately I have felt more naturally beautiful than I have in a very long time. While I do still find myself having to have really good hair days to compensate for my lack of makeup, I feel really... pretty. Such a weird concept considering that last week I wanted to hide under a rock. Actually I almost resorted to wearing my glasses full time so that I could at least hide behind those. I have to keep reminding myself that this isn't about how anyone else in the world sees me. I am really beginning to love the way my face feels, and the 'naked' me.

Now let's be honest here. I have successfully fasted from makeup for 24 days. I have 16 days left until the fast is over. The most commonly asked question is whether I will resort back to wearing makeup after these 40 days are up. My answer... Yes. I miss the mascara. Just like I knew I would... HOWEVER... I don't think I will wear face makeup anymore. Or at least not on a day to day basis. I have grown to really love my skin. Now that I know I can go without, leaving the house 'naked' might not be the worst thing in the world.

Let me remind you that I still have 16 days left; my outlook on this could potentially change drastically. For right now though, I am happy and I am beautiful.

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
 but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."

On another note, I served on SETN Tres Dias Weekend #43 over the weekend. What a sweet, sweet time! I would encourage anyone to both go through the weekend, and to work one. Such a blessing to serve and to be served in any aspect of my Christian walk.

On a third note... Baby Elijah is stable, but still struggling. Over the past week we have been good news, then bad news, then good news etc. It's been quite the roller coaster of emotions; being strong for Haley has been really tough. She was finally able to hold him...

OHHH em geeeee! Isn't he so sweet and yittle?! 

God is so good. 


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