Growing growing growing! I will actually be 18 weeks tomorrow. I am so slow at getting these done! Hopefully I'll take the next ones on time, so that this doesn't happen again.
The doctor said I should start feeling the baby within the next week... I am SO super excited for that to happen! Nothing as of yet, but I check every five minutes for movement so I'm sure not to miss it! ;)
You'll have to excuse the look on my face. I'm not even sure you can tell, but I was FOUL when I took this picture. Poor Christian couldn't do anything right. I felt ugly. My sign was ugly. My bump looked more like lard. My eyebrows looked too thin. My hair looked like Justin Bieber. And my eye was lazy. What a sweet image of myself! Ugh. I even hate admitting that to the public.
Why are we so hard on ourselves? Why do we dare say that this perfectly created being, created in the image of God, is anything short of incredibly beautiful?
Being pregnant has made me feel more beautiful than I have ever felt in my life. I think a nasty combination of hormones, allergies, and tiredness works together to make me the worst possible self I can be. I had to pout a minute. Lay my head down. Pray that God would make it stop. This is not the wife I want Christian to see. This is not the role model I want my son or daughter to have. Almost as worse after was the extreme guilt and shame that pours over me every time I have a tantrum like this. (Admittedly, this is not the first time... ugh.) That is not me! That is not who I was created to be. It was almost like I heard that whispered sweetly in my ear. Not just from the Holy Spirit, but from Christian too. Any girl would be lucky to have a husband half as good as him.
It's funny I had this meltdown considering I had just watched the new Dove Real Beauty Sketches. If you have not seen this, YOU MUST! Such an eye opener. I was in tears.
You can find the best video here. Or here:
I hope it blesses you as sweetly as it did me and nearly everyone I've known who has watched it.
I don't see any of the things you described about yourself in the picture! Proof that you are crazy! ;) So excited that you might have baby movement this week!!
You do NOT have bieber hair! I saw that dove video on tumblr the other day, and I totally cried. :') I'm gonna do post about it on my blog now. Sorry, but I'm copying you. <3
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