
I live by a man's code, designed to fit a man's world, yet at the same time I never forget that a woman's first job is to choose the right shade of lipstick. -Carole Lombard

It's Friday! Today is exciting for 3 reasons:
  • I bought some new red lipstick last night. It's drug store; I found it at Wal-Mart. I wanted to make sure I liked the red with the pink undertones, rather than the orange-red, enough to wear it often. I'm pretty happy with it so far.

  •  I love the Goo Goo Dolls. I have since I was little! Favorite band of all time just happens to be in concert tonight. In Chattanooga. Only problem is that they're playing at Riverbend. Without a doubt, it will be a packed Friday night. Mixing heat, crowds, alcohol, and music, might just be a recipe for disaster. I have to go!  Favorite GGD song, you ask? Name. Hands down. 

  • Today is my last day at work for a week. I don't know if i'm excited more about not working, or the fact that I get to sleep in, and spend the days with my MIL and niece. It's a pretty good deal either way! Also, Sunday is Father's Day. One of my most favorite holidays, because the man I first loved gets to be celebrated all day! 

On another note, a random one anyway, I really love to think about Heaven. I realize it is a futile task, but something about not being able to even comprehend something so beautiful and perfect is pretty dreamy. Have you ever looked at a picture and thought, "Oh, I bet that's what Heaven will be like..."? 
For example...

I really do think my take on what Heaven will be like stems from a longing to be somewhere I used to love. Somewhere that my soul longs for. What's better, some place I've never even been. I guess I can sum it up by sharing this C.S. Lewis quote:

“If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.” 
I've loved that quote since I was in High School. While I have been a Christian since I was 12 (June 1, 2000 to be exact), my faith and my love for the Lord has just continued to grow as I've gotten older. How do you picture Heaven? What is something that your soul longs for? It's a sweet thing to meditate on.

"Though my eyes have not seen Him, my heart knows Him well."


his little lady said...

oh gosh, the goo goo dolls bring back way too many memories.
and you are just gorgeous, girl! loving the lipstick!
xo TJ

Heather Rose said...

aw! such a sweet thing to say! I just started this whole blogging thing... I'm still not sure I'm gonna be any good at it! I loved reading your stuff; it will be nice to see how a 'real' blogger does it. :)

Unknown said...

I love that song!

Amy Shaughnessy said...

First thing, love the lipstick. Second thing, GGD were my favorite band for the longest time. I started listening to their music 15 years ago when Iris came out. Dizzy Up the Girl is a pretty good album but I like their older stuff more (Boy Named Goo, Superstar Car Wash.) I haven't really listened to their more recent stuff because it just doesn't have the same feel as their older stuff. I've seen them in concert a couple of times but the best was years ago they came to a small college town. We had 12th row floor seats but when the lights went down, we ran to the front. We got to stand in front of the stage the whole time. Johnny Rzeznik threw me his water bottle! It was so much fun.


Fashion and Beauty Finds

Heather Rose said...

Amy! So funny! I think I like the nostalgia that comes with GGD almost as much as the music itself. I completely agree with you; the newer stuff just doesn't tug at the heart strings!

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