
Mom & Pop

I really am slow at this blogging business. I have been so swamped with life/work/school... blogging seems to be the last on the list of things to do!

Today, post #3, I am describing my relationship with my parents. They are really my best friends. Christian is my best friend. He is my other half. I can talk to him about anything, share with him things, get mad at him and call him mean names... I'm working on that. ;)  Aside from Christian, my parents are my go-to... a huge portion of the foundation that forms who I am.

What's even more special is that our relationship has ALWAYS been this sweet. I could always, and have always, told them everything. They share with me the trials and the joys of my life.  Before getting my married I cried.. and cried.. and cried. Christian probably thought he was either a. marrying a loon or b. was marrying a loon. :) I was so saddened by the fact that marriage was going to change things. I have a little bubble in my throat just thinking about the feelings I felt during that time. It was inevitable, but what I didn't realize was that it was not a bad thing. Change isn't always bad. Christian has been nothing but supportive and loving during that transition. It's a sweet blessing to know that I have a set of parents that are worth hanging on to so tightly.

I am so grateful for them. They have always been an advocate for Christian and I. During the past 5 years, we have had some really rough.. really hard... times. The wisdom and advice that both my parents and Christian's family offered helped us to get through it. We came out of it a more strong and faithful couple.

I have lived my entire life with my parents being this way. Now that Christian and I are starting a family of our own, I realize how blessed we are to have people to look up to. Our babies will have an incredible set of grandparents on both sides.

So, after all that rambling, the relationship with my parents: GREAT! I pray my kids have the same relationship with C and I one day.


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